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Partner Agencies

As part of the schools successful Student Well-Being structure the school is privileged to access highly experienced partner agencies to support its young people.


Menstrual Cycle Support

Severn Vale School is proud to partner with Menstrual Cycle Support (MCS), a nationally recognized program designed to empower students with essential menstrual health knowledge. As the first school in the UK to achieve MCS Schools Accreditation, we are committed to fostering an inclusive environment where menstrual health is understood, supported, and celebrated.

MCS provides a clinically-backed, evidence-informed framework that includes a 45-minute online course, broken into accessible 10-minute modules. The course equips students with practical tools to manage their menstrual health, reduce stigma, and build confidence. Students can access the course using their school email address at, with three years of access to revisit materials as needed. To further encourage engagement, students who complete the course are awarded a prestigious “P5” Headteacher Commendation, reflecting our dedication to their well-being and success.

This partnership also enables us to address critical issues like menstrual-related absenteeism, which affects up to 36% of students, by providing proactive support and resources. Through this collaboration, we are helping to ensure that no student’s educational journey is hindered by menstrual health challenges, while promoting overall resilience and self-confidence.

For more information about the MCS program, please visit Menstrual Cycle Support.


Referrals for support:

Any student can be referred to a Well-being Service via the relevant Head of Year for the student. The Head of Year will make a written referral including the issues the young person is experiencing. Parental requests for support for a child can be emailed direct to student’s Head of Year. Each agency operates on the school site at designated times of the week. In line with mandatory Data Protection procedures parental consent for the transfer of information between school and any outside agency is obtained when necessary. 

Occasionally, due to high demand some agencies operate at capacity during the year. The school operate a waiting list procedure for students in line to receive support.


School Nurse

School nurses are public health nurses working in the community.  They are registered nurses, often with an additional specialist community public health nursing qualification at degree or postgraduate level. They have specialist knowledge and skills to enable them to work with children and young people aged from 5 to 19 in the community, whether they attend school or not.

They are based in the community, rather than individual schools, and work as a team in collaboration with education, health professionals and other services which work with children to improve health outcomes for individual children, young people and their families.

They assess and identify community health needs in school settings, offering support and advice on a range of health issues such as emotional health, obesity, sexual health, smoking and substance misuse. School nurses play a vital role in children’s development, carrying out immunisation and screening programmes, and they act as a point of contact for managing medical conditions such as allergies and anaphylaxis, asthma and epilepsy in schools.

The School nurse also works closely with social care in order to reduce health inequalities and to keep children and young people safe from harm. This proactive and preventative work is known as Safeguarding. Where harm is already known about or suspected in families, the school nurse teams work with a range of other professionals to support the family to make changes to their lifestyle or care of the child through formal plans of care. This is known as Child Protection. For more info on the School Nursing Service click here.


Teens in Crisis (TIC+)

TIC+ Counselling provides young people with an opportunity to talk about their worries and problems in a safe space where they will not be judged.  The counselling is confidential which means that unless there are any safeguarding risks posed to a young person the counsellor won’t tell anyone else what students choose to talk about.  Some students find that they just want to come along and off-load all their worries, others want coping strategies or techniques to help them overcome their problems. 

Our counsellors know it can be difficult to know where to start or what to say so they help students to find a way to talk about what is worrying them.  They will find out what you want from counselling and together you will work towards it and track your progress. The school have both a male and female counsellor.

TIC+ counselling arranged through the school takes place on the school site with sessions scheduled during the school day. TIC+ adhere fully to Severn Vale school’s values, safeguarding and data protection policies. For more info on services click here.


YES Mentoring (Youth Engagement Scheme)

YES Mentoring is a service providing behavioural, emotional, social and educational support to referred students at Severn Vale. Mentoring sessions are offered on a 1-2-1 basis within the school environment, although there is the opportunity to engage in group work as well as support outside of school.

YES Mentoring offers students, a safe, nurturing and confidential space in which to express themselves, to talk about any issues concerning them and to be supported by a positive male role model, focusing on a child-centred approach. YES Mentoring adhere fully to Severn Vale school’s values, safeguarding and data protection policies.


Young Minds Matter – (previously Gloucestershire Trailblazer programme), Mental Health Support Teams 

The Mental Health Support Teams' (MHSTs') main role will be to provide earlier care for children and young people who may be experiencing mild to moderate or early symptoms of mental health problems, which tend to be outside the scope of traditional NHS services. Providing this additional resource to support early intervention, appropriate signposting and delivery of focused, evidence-based interventions will improve collaboration between schools and mental health services and enable earlier and more effective mental health support for children, young people, their families and carers. 

Young Minds Matter (YMM) is a safe and confidential mental health support service developed for children and young people up to 18 years of age in selected schools across Gloucestershire. Severn Vale School is one of the schools to benefit from this additional support. 

The team can offer support to students who are struggling with things like anxiety, low mood and poor sleep or similar. This can be either face to face in school or via a virtual online platform. Students/parents/carers can request that school make a referral for them. 

Alternatively, students can now refer themselves using YMMChat (see below information for students).

YMM Chat and Self-referral (Secondary school students only)

We have a friendly team of YMM professionals who are available to chat on text message during the school day (between 9am until 4:30pm) Monday- Friday (except bank holidays). The team will aim to respond either the same day or the next working day.

Young people can contact us by text if they want to share something that is worrying them, to get some advice or to self-refer and get an appointment.

Young Minds Matter Chat:
Text for Support: 07480 635723