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The transition from primary to secondary school is an important milestone for all students. We work hard at Severn Vale School to ensure that the process of transition runs as smoothly as possible for all our new Year 7 students and their parents.

Our Assistant Head, Rob Spooner, manages all elements of the transition process. He is in regular contact with our partner primary schools and is well-placed to ensure that Year 7 students settle into Severn Vale School quickly.

Once Year 7 arrive, they have a Head of Year and a “Transition Team” comprising of key members of teaching and support staff to help make the process of transition as easy as possible for them.

Once Secondary School places have been allocated by the county and we have received our allocations for the coming academic year, Mr Spooner, Mrs Williamson(our SENCo) and other members of the Transition Team visit each primary partner school and speak with both students and staff to help get to know the students better. For students who may find the transition process particularly difficult, we offer a bespoke programme of additional primary school visits combined with visits to Severn Vale.

Although work with the Year 6 students is very important, we also work with younger students from across QLC and our other partner primaries and involve them in activities such as Forensic Science Day, Master Classes and Multi-Faith Day to ensure that Severn Vale becomes a familiar and welcoming place for them.

Transition open events for students joining in September 2024

We are pleased to welcome parents and students to Severn Vale for our open events for students joining in September 2024.  The Open Evening will take place on Thursday 21st September 2023 from 6:00-8:00pm.  Open mornings (which show the school on a normal school day), are on Tuesday 26th September and Thursday 5th October from 9:30 – 11:00am.

We look forward to seeing you!

Appeals for September Entry (Y6 Transition) 

If you wish to appeal for a place at Severn Vale School for September 2025 entry please contact our Admissions Officer by email - - for an appeal form. 

Please note that the deadline for lodging an appeal for Severn Vale School is 4:00pm on Wednesday 9th April 2025