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Ofsted inspected the school in January 2025.  This was a routine inspection and was carried out to see if the school has taken effective action to maintain the standards identified at the previous inspection.

I am very pleased that the inspection team agreed with our own assessment that Severn Vale has taken effective action to maintain standards.

The inspection saw three inspectors visit the school. They went to numerous lessons across many departments. They spoke to a large number of students, to teachers and members of the school’s leadership team as well as to Governors. It was an intensive two days.  I was particularly pleased that they said:

  • Severn Vale School has high expectations for its pupils.

  • The school has designed a curriculum that is broad and ambitious.

  • (Our pupils) achieve well across the curriculum.

  • Teachers are knowledgeable about the subjects they teach.

  • Pupils can learn without disruption.

  • Pupils have adults that they trust to share any concerns.

  • Warm relationships between pupils and staff make pupils feel happy and safe.

A full copy of the letter produced is available below and can be found on the Ofsted website