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At Severn Vale school we provide a recognised high-quality ‘wrap-around care’ package for students that ensures that they are very well looked after in school.

The school’s offer of Early Help is in line with the Graduated Pathway System and is available to view below, or here.

Staff at Severn Vale pride themselves on knowing about each student, including their personal circumstances, their current levels of achievement and any potential barriers to their learning and attendance. This knowledge is used effectively to support, with great sensitivity, every student’s personal development and welfare, and their physical, emotional and mental well-being. OFSTED noted that parents speak very highly of the school, often quoting the excellent levels of personal support for their children receive. In 2020 we were pleased to be awarded the Mental Health Championship Award from Gloucester Healthy Living and Learning.

The school’s Whole School Approach to Mental Health and Well-being is available to view below, or here. This includes links to further advice and support.