Year Council Elections

This week saw election fever hit Severn Vale as the Year Council elections took place
Well another round of Year Council elections and another window into just how great our students are. The whole school had a week of assemblies where the Student Leadership Team spoke with great passion to the students about stepping beyond your comfort zone and making a difference.
The message was not lost as students stood in record numbers to be selected as the representative for their tutor group in the year ahead. Hustings were held in Prep’ and students spoke of their commitment to representing others and impacting their school for the better. What really stood out to me was that many candidates chose to focus not on the things they want or the ideas they have but on who they are. Students spoke of how they were kind, empathetic, reliable people who would champion the needs of others. What an important message this is. It’s not about your intellect but your actions. I once read that ‘the measure of a life is in how much of it is given away’ and this week our students have modelled this value in spades.
A huge congratulations to everyone who stood and I’ll finish by echoing the words of Mrs Prescott; “I truly believe that our students could show the current government a thing or two about integrity, commitment, passion and simply how to "fight fair".
Well done everyone and thank you to you all.
Mr Hockaday
Subject Leader for Futures