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Headteacher's Blog 21-6-24

The Friday 3km run has returned with loads of students taking part to enjoy an active end to their week

This week we officially said farewell to our Year 11s. All their GCSEs are completed and now they can enjoy a well-deserved rest following what has been a challenging exam season. On Thursday we had their Leavers Assembly. This was a joyous hour celebrating the students’ time at Severn Vale. There were lots of laughs as well as a few tears. Tonight, it’s their Prom at Hatherley Manor. I know this will be a perfect send off for this year group.

The class of 2024 have been a really special group to work with and as I reflect on them leaving Severn Vale, my overwhelming feeling is one of pride. Pride at the amazing progress they have made; pride at the academic success they will achieve; but most importantly, pride at the fine young men and women they have grown to be.  I am confident that their time at Severn Vale has given them the foundation to go on to achieve many great things. I look forward to hearing about these achievements in the years to come.

On Thursday we held our Year 7 Parent Evening. The timing was not ideal for football fans, but fortunately this didn’t affect turnout which was really positive. We have now completed a full set of parent evenings and the feedback I have had from each evening has been that the return to in-person events has been overwhelmingly welcomed. We will certainly be continuing with the format next academic year.

This week I received two separate messages from drivers regarding road safety. One of them was incredibly concerning as it mentioned a student crossing the A38. We have spoken to all the students about the importance of road safety and highlighted the incredible danger this individual put themselves in. Please do take the time to discuss the issue of road safety with your child.

Next week sees our KS3 students tackling their Order C assessments in English and Maths. There will also be NGRT Reading Tests. The students have been completing revision exercises for some weeks, so should be well prepared. Full details have been circulated previously but if you do have questions, please do contact Mr Ball.

Sporting fixtures this week included:

  • Year 7 Rounders - our Year 7 rounders team played in the District Tournament at Ribston this week. It was a great experience for the girls, but unfortunately, they didn't make it past the group stage. Amber H was player of the tournament with some tremendous batting and great fielding at 2nd post.

  • Year 8 Cricket - the Year 8 boys played their penultimate fixture of the academic year at Crypt in their second mass participation tournament. Those involved competed well against some strong St Peter’s and Crypt sides. Special mention to the Year 7 boys; Jensen, Theo, Logan and Josh who stepped up to play for the year above and played excellently. We look forward to our final game in a couple of weeks’ time against St Peter’s, in what I’m sure will be a tough test.

  • Year 7 & 8 Flow group – our Year 7 and 8 Flow group travelled to Bristol to take part in a softball cricket tournament. They played some brilliant cricket, improving with each game. They also demonstrated some great sportsmanship and are ready for their next tournament in July. 

In other sporting news, last week saw the first of our weekly summer 3km runs. This saw over 60 students and staff complete the run after school on Friday. It's a fantastic way to finish the week and a brilliant way for the students to set themselves up for a great weekend. I hope to see even more there this afternoon.

I conclude with my weekly reminder about Free School Meals eligibility. If your financial circumstances have changed, your child may be eligible for Free School Meals. If you click on this link you will find guidance on the eligibility criteria and the application process. It's a quick process and we are notified of all FSM entitlements by Gloucestershire County Council each Monday. I would urge you to take a look if you think you may benefit from financial assistance. 

Please do remember that next Friday (28 June) is an Inset Day and the school will be closed to students.

I hope you enjoy a great weekend. 


Richard Johnson  