Headteacher's Blog 4-2-22
The Cathedral was lit up in blue in memory of our ex-student Ramarni this week
It has been a very demanding week for our Year 11s as they have tackled the first of two weeks of key assessments. Their conduct and attitude have been very positive as they faced up to the not insignificant challenge of daily exams through the week. These exams continue next week and then begins the important task of using this assessment information to detail what each student knows and what they still have to work on in the run up to the summer exams.
Next Monday, 7th February, we get the long-awaited GCSE information release from the various exam boards. This will provide staff and students with additional information about the likely content of the summer exams in certain subjects. It is a recognition that this cohort have had a hugely disrupted KS4 and it is hoped it will, to a certain extent, level the playing field for students tackling this summer’s exams. Staff will be quickly digesting this information and using it to refine their revision and exam preparation programmes in the relevant subjects. This will be communicated to the students and parents in forthcoming communications.
The NHS Schools Immunisation Service (SAIS) have confirmed our next whole school Covid vaccination day will be Thursday 17th February with Friday 18th February, pencilled in as a contingency day. As well as 2nd jabs, the SAIS will also be delivering the 1st jab to those who didn't take up the offer during the previous round. Whilst we are seeing a slowly improving picture Covid wise, we know that vaccination is a key part of the medium-term strategy in minimising the spread and impact of Covid over time. Consent forms will be sent to parents, hopefully by the end of the week, as will information on the programme.
More sporting success this week with our Year 8 boys getting their season off to a fine start with a well-earned win against Holmleigh Park on Monday. Man of the match went to Max Withers but this was an excellent team effort from the boys and showed real character. In further Netball fixtures, the Y9 A team continued their excellent form and won 44 - 7 against Gloucester Academy. Player of the match went to Ava Herbert for her faultless ​shooting, but it was a fantastic whole team performance. The B team lost with Jess Scott getting player of the match for her defence. The Year 8 A team won 13-2 against Gloucester Academy; Macey Mustoe once again got player of the match for her fantastic shooting. The Year 8 B team won their first game with a 3-2 score line. Keana Barnes got player of the match for her fantastic defending.
I had the pleasure this week of talking to the students who have recently started a Debate club. This club is run by Alfie Smith from Year 10 with the support of Mr Hockaday and provides a forum for students to debate a range of topical issues. The club is for all KS4 students, although it is particularly aimed at our growing number of GCSE politics students. A sign-up sheet is available each week outside GR3 and I would encourage as many students as possible to take advantage of this fabulous opportunity.
And finally, 15 staff from the school joined in the final Run for Ramarni held on Monday 31st January. Once again it was a both a humbling and inspirational event. To see the community come together in such a way genuinely gives me hope that Ramarni’s tragic death can act as a watershed moment for the city. Hearing the various speeches and poems before the run was incredibly moving and once again brought home the massive impact this tragedy has had on so many people. Ramarni’s funeral will take place at Gloucester Cathedral on Monday 7th February. Our thoughts once again will be with his family and friends at this time.
As always, I include my weekly reminder about Free School Meals eligibility. If your financial circumstances have changed, your child may be eligible for Free School Meals. If you click on this link you will find guidance on the eligibility criteria and the application process. It's a quick process and we are notified of all FSM entitlements by Gloucestershire County Council each Monday. I would urge you to take a look if you think you may benefit from financial assistance.
Have a great weekend.
Kind regards
Richard Johnson