Overview of Career's Advice at Severn Vale
Student entitlement to careers education, information, advice and guidance (CEIAG)
CEIAG is about helping students to plan for their future by equipping them with the knowledge, skills and attitudes to make informed decisions about the choices open to them and to make successful transitions through learning and into work.
Your CEIAG includes a range of:
• Planned programme of career education from Year 7 onwards.
• Access to a qualified independent impartial Careers Adviser from year 9 including at least one interview by the end of Y11 if requested.
• Work experience in Year 10.
• Access to up to date and impartial careers information from a range of sources including Unifrog.
• Encounters with local employers – you should be offered at least one encounter each year from year 7 to year 11. Examples of employer encounters are school assemblies, business breakfasts, mentoring, mock interviews and workplace visits.
• Information about and/or visits to further education colleges, universities and other training providers, so you can understand the full range of courses, apprenticeships and technical education/training routes available.
The information below will give you an overview on how we deliver our programme of Careers Education, Information, Advice, and Guidance (CEIAG) at Severn Vale School
Year 7
- Access to Unifrog (from home or at school).
- Talks in assembly to inspire and inform about a variety of careers.
- Activities during National Careers Week in March
- Elements of Futures lessons and curriculum lessons
Year 8
- Access to Unifrog (from home or at school)
- Talks in assembly to inspire and inform about a variety of careers.
- Activities during National Careers Week in March
- Elements of Futures lessons and curriculum lessons.
- The Real Game
Year 9
- Access to Unifrog (from home or at school)
- Talks in assembly to inspire and inform about a variety of careers
- GCSE Option Choices advice by the Careers Advisor in assembly and tutor time.
- Individual 1:1 career guidance meetings by request or referral.
- Options Evening with selection of local Further and Higher Education providers present to give advice.
- Activities during National Careers Week in March
- Elements of Futures lessons and curriculum lessons.
Year 10
- Access to Unifrog (from home or at school)
- Talks in assembly to inspire and inform about a variety of careers.
- All students given at least one careers meeting with the Careers Advisor in KS4.
- Flexi Learning Day with Careers Carousel. Whole day of employability focused activities including Application and CV writing, personal presentation, skill profiling and a mock interview.
- Activities during National Careers Week in March
- One week of work experience with preparation, work book and review.
- Elements of Futures lessons and curriculum lessons.
Year 11
- Access to Unifrog (from home or at school).
- All students given at least one careers meeting with the Careers Advisor in KS4
- Flexi Learning Day to visit a Post-16 placement of choice for the day.
- Students in danger of becoming NEET (Not in education, employment or training) are placed on the It Could Be You NEET programme.
- Activities during National Careers Week in March
- Destination Data is analysed throughout the year to ensure no NEET students
- Elements of Futures lessons and curriculum lessons