Exam Results 2015

The GCSE Results for the class of 2015 are here!
The wait is over and finally our students can see the results of their hard work. Once again the students have delivered a strong performance with 72% of students achieving 5+ A* - C and 64% of achieving 5+ A* - C including English and Maths.
As ever there were some fantastic results from our highest attaining students with twins Alex and Rosie Wilkinson achieving the best results with 15A*s and 3 As between them:
Our belief in a fully inclusive school has ensured that students of all abilities have been challenged to be the best they can be. We are hugely proud of all our students and in particular those who have worked hard to overcome personal adversity and challenge to achieve such fantastic results.
The results achieved bear testimony to the hard work put in by the students over the course of their time at Severn Vale. It is also only right to acknowledge the hard work of our fabulous staff and the tireless support of our students’ parents.
The students will now move on to a variety of Sixth Forms, Colleges and Apprenticeships. They have been a fabulous group of young people to work with. We are confident that with the great foundation they have achieved at Severn Vale they will go on to make their mark in the world. We wish them the very best.
The work now starts to ensure that next year’s results are even better. We will continue to focus on excellent teaching and learning to ensure the best outcomes for all our students.