Awards Evening - Class of 2020

Virtual Awards Evening
Dear Class of 2020,
We hope this letter finds you well and working hard on the next steps for the future that you have chosen to embark on after leaving Severn Vale School in the summer.
As you will know, each year we invite our previous Y11 students back into school towards the end of Term 2 for an Awards Evening. This is a lovely opportunity to see the previous Y11 students again, catch up, award everyone with their GCSE certificates, and present some specific subject nominations and awards.
Of course, this is not something we are able to do this year L. However, we have been busy putting together a virtual event that will go live on Wednesday 9th December at 5pm J. The staff at Severn Vale School wanted to pay a heartwarming tribute to a fabulous year group and share with you how proud we are of what you achieved during your time with us.
Therefore, our plan for Wednesday 9th December is as follows:
3.30pm – 5pm: Your GCSE certificates (and coursework – see below) will be available for picking up from
the Main Hall. (Please enter the Main Hall by reception. Face mask must be worn)
5.00pm: Virtual Awards Evening Video: The 45 minute awards video will go live at 5pm where each
subject area will present their nominations for awards followed by the names of those achieving
awards. There is a lovely video at the end for everyone too!
The link to this event will be placed on the school website banner and sent via the school Twitter feed at 5pm.
Regarding Coursework: If you would like to pick up your Art or DT coursework, please email the teacher below to ask for it to be ready for you in the Sports Hall. ONLY the work of those students who have emailed will be in the Sports Hall on the day.
DT Coursework: email Mrs Davies at
Art Coursework: email Miss Eveleigh at
Should you not be able to collect your GCSE certificates on this day, please arrange another time with the exams officer, Mrs McDonnell on
We look forward to seeing you on Wednesday 9th December to pick up your GCSE certificates, and we hope you can join us at 5pm when the Virtual Awards Video goes live.
Best wishes
All at Severn Vale School