Y11 Ask the Professional - 1st October 2019

As part of the school's careers education programme, Year 11 students took part in an Ask the Professionals event
On Tuesday 1st October Severn Vale School invited 32 Employers, Colleges, 6th Forms and Universities to an Ask the Professional event run in the main hall at school.
The Ask the Professional event provided students with the opportunity to ask employers about what they are looking for in new recruits, what makes an application form / good candidate stand out for them and what a new recruit could expect to do in their first few years in the organisation. The students were also able to ask Colleges, 6th Forms and Universities about the courses they offered and the application processes involved in applying to their institutes.
Feedback from the students included them suggesting the event went on for longer as they really enjoyed talking to representatives from the different sectors. Feedback from the employers included them praising our students for being interested and asking good questions.
Virginia Martin
Careers Leader