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Admissions for the Academic Year 2025 - 26

Appeals for September Entry (Y6 Transition) 

If you wish to appeal for a place at Severn Vale School for September 2025 entry please contact our Admissions Officer by email - - for an appeal form. 

Please note that the deadline for lodging an appeal for Severn Vale School is 4:00pm on Wednesday 9th April 2025

Open Evening

Our Open Evening for students looking to join Severn Vale in September 2025 will take place from 6.00 - 8.00pm on Thursday 19th September 2024. There will be two presentations from the Headteacher, which will begin at 6.00 and 7.00pm. Seating for these will be on a first come, first served basis. You will also have the option to meet students, teachers, and tour the school. Students will be available to offer guided tours.  


We do not have "hard" copies of our Prospectus. Instead, an online version is available by clicking here.


We think it is very important for you to visit our school to see it in action. We offer the opportunity to see Severn Vale on a normal working day on one of our two walkrounds. This will involve a full tour of the school with a member of the school's senior leadership team and students from Year 8 and 9.  These take place on:

  • Tuesday 24th September from 9:30 - 11:00am

  • Thursday 3rd October from 9:30 - 11:00am

If you have any questions about the Admissions Process, please contact our Admissions Officer, Lauren Hart, by email.

Severn Vale School Virtual Tour

In Year Admissions

If you would like to enquire about a place at Severn Vale School for an existing secondary age student who would like to transfer to our school, please contact our Admissions Officer by email, Lauren Hart, who will be able to advise you on the completion of the relevant form.  Once this form has been received by the school, you will be notified of our decision within 15 school days and, if successful, arrangements will be made to admit your child. 

All applications will be considered by the Admissions Officer, the relevant  Assistant Headteacher and the Headteacher. 

A copy of the School Admissions Policy can be located below. Also, below is a copy of the school's catchment area.